What would you say if I told you you could change your life by writing for 20 minutes a day?
If you doubt that something as easy as a daily journaling practice could have a significant impact, consider the results of this double-blind, peer-reviewed, scientific study:
A group of men (yes, all men!) were fired from engineering jobs. After six months, the still unemployed engineers were divided into expressive writing and control groups. The writers did expressive journaling for 30 minutes, five days in a row. After 3 months, 5% of the control group had found jobs but 27% of the expressive writers had new jobs.
Writing twenty minutes a day for five days increased the odds of finding employment for these middle-aged unemployed engineers by over five hundred percent.
A momentary flash in the pan? No. After 7 months, only 18% of the control group, but a full 53% of the writers had found re-employment.
A majority of these men improved their lives dramatically after a mere 2.5 hours of journaling! Crazy good results from some aberrant study? Nope! These results have been replicated hundreds of times in rigorous, double-blind, scientific studies.
You might not be an unemployed middle-aged engineer but this applies to you too!
Here are some other scientifically-proven benefits of writing for twenty minutes a day:
- Reduced stress and blood pressure
- Improved immune system functioning
- Improved mood and less anxiety
- Reduced absenteeism from work
- Quicker re-employment after job loss
- Improved working memory
- Improved athletic performance
- Higher student grade point average
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Writing tool: pen and paper work best.
- A timekeeper.
- Twenty minutes a day.
- “But I’m not a writer.”
- “I don’t know how to start.”
- “I don’t know what to write about.”
That’s okay! All you have to do is show up to the page each day. We’ll walk you through the rest.
So are you ready to give this a try?